Important Information For Students
The students are advised to take up discipline not as an irksome burden but as a joyous pursuit for their own education and betterment. The ultimate object of the school is to inculcate amongst the students the concept of effective ethical discipline. All students must abide by the rules of conduct and discipline of the school & must bear in mind the following:
- The students must come to school in prescribed uniform. Neatness in dress, cleanliness and discipline should be encouraged by the parents.
- Long nails, nail polish, jewelry or the bringing of expensive articles to school is strictly prohibited.
- All students must be regular and punctual in their attendance. Students should obtain prior permission from the Principal for attending the classes when coming late to school for specific reasons.
- All applications for leave are to be signed by the parents. Application for leave on medical grounds is to be supported by an authentic medical certificate.
- The school will not be held responsible for the loss of the belongings of children. However the scholar number, class, section & name of the student should be written on their articles.
- Irregular attendance, constant negligence of work, insubordination to teachers, and habitual inattentiveness in class, obscenity in word or deed, willful and repeated breach of the school regulation individually or collectively, fee defaulter will lead a pupil to serious punishment or expulsion.
- The students should neither damage school property nor make the school premises dirty. Tearing of pages from exercise books or diary is punishable.
- Every student when called upon to attend extra classes or to take part in other extracurricular activities of the school must compulsorily participate in them.
a) No leave of absence is granted except on an application from parents or guardians for plausible reasons only.
b) A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate, permitting him/her to attend the school.
- If a student abstains himself without permission for 10 consecutive working days the name will be struck off the rolls on account of long absence. However the child can be readmitted at the discretion of the school authorities as per rules.
- Participation in all sports activities (regular clusters, zonal or national level) is obligatory for every child & no exemption will be granted for the same.
- In case a child is suffering from some kind of illness or is allergic to any medicine or objects found in the open atmosphere, a medical certificate must be submitted to that effect.
Code Of Conduct
The code of Conduct states that we will respect property and, personal rights, co-operate with and support each other and take responsibility for a safe environment.
The teacher’s right to teach and a student’s right to learn cannot be disturbed by the actions of others. School is committed to develop positive inter-personal relationships between members of the school community. Bullying and harassment at school, along with other disruptive activities, are unacceptable behaviours and will be dealt with accordingly.
The following practices will lead to strict disciplinary action:
- Disfiguring or damaging school property.
- Bunking School / classes and weekly tests.
- Sloganeering and signature campaigns.
- Bringing a cell phone to school.
- Use of violence in any form.
- Scribbling or writing anything on the shirts or uniform.
- Using abusive languages.
- Not wearing the proper school uniform, (winter or summer uniform) during the term, as specified in the School Almanac.
- Bringing, wearing, buying, selling or possessing any kind of garment or apparel with slogans written on them.
- Damaging, scribbling or tearing pages from library books, Texts or Exercise books.
- Bringing sharp and injury causing articles such as knives etc.
- Bringing books, CDs etc. not relevant to their course work.
- Bringing costly articles (like expensive watches, cameras, fountain pens, and iPods).
- Bullying or using any form of violence against fellow students.
- Smoking, gambling, drinking or using drugs.
- Bursting crackers or throwing colour on one another within or near the school premises.
- Entering school without uniform even after school hours. Bringing civil clothes to school any point of time unless prior permission has been granted by a teacher.
- Late arrival in school / classes.
- Misconduct, indiscipline and misbehaviour in school transport.
- Not wearing the identity card.
Disciplinary Measures
Any student found breaking school rules will strictly be dealt with the following measures will be adopted to maintain discipline.
- Oral warning & counselling
- Written warning
- Fine
- Detention
- Suspension
- Expulsion
However, the principal retains the right to expel a student outright if the offence is of a very serious nature. The Principal will have the right to withhold the character certificate of any student whose conduct is not in keeping with the rules, laid down by the school.